Meet Me in the Middle

Author: Michael Feldstein

Michael Feldstein writes a weekly column on contemporary Jewish issues for The Jewish Link, a newspaper serving several Jewish communities in the New York Metropolitan area. “Meet Me in the Middle” collects more than 90 of the author’s best articles in this book. Feldstein writes about Chabad, Israel, antisemitism, synagogue life, Jewish education, Modern Orthodoxy, and a host of other topics, with a personal flavor that has made his writing extremely popular with readers. Other essays include Feldstein’s reflections on everyday life, as he effortlessly weaves together personal anecdotes and universal lessons. This is a treasure trove for anyone seeking to gain wisdom and perspective on life.



Michael Feldstein has been a direct marketing professional for more than 40 years. 

He graduated with an MBA in marketing from New York University and has lived in Stamford since 1982. Feldstein is a member of both the Young Israel of Stamford and Congregation Agudath Sholom and has served on the adult education committees at both synagogues. 

He chaired the community’s Eruv Association and is a long-time member of the Stamford Chevra Kadisha. He chaired the Young Israel of Stamford’s rabbinic search committee three separate times. In 2009, he founded and chaired the Committee to Advance Modern Orthodoxy in Stamford, a community growth initiative that has been very successful in attracting many young Orthodox families to the Stamford community.

Feldstein served on the board of Edah, and currently is a board member for YUConnects. For the last two years, he has been publishing a weekly column in The Jewish Link. 

His works have also appeared in The Jewish Week and The Forward.